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Sales to private individuals in DK

We send goods to Darnmark with RAL . Order together, it pays off best. shipping to Aarhus or Køge always dkk 285,-

You have the option of having your goods delivered directly to your door with the company Xpressen .

Shop everything


We are still in an experimental phase, where even the food authorities are not completely aware of how it should be handled.

Therefore, a new name must be given on the shipping document for every 5 kg that is placed in the box. Weird.

  • The item is packed and sent.

    When you have purchased your item, the item is packed and sent with RAL to Denmark.

  • The item is sent with RAL

    The package is typically sent as frozen goods. See the many rules here.

    See rules here. 
  • The item arrives in DK.

    When the item arrives in DK, it must still go to you, unless you pick it up yourself.

    Read more here. 
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Kalaaliaraq samarbejder med Nordfra.com

Kalaaliaraq.gl (Nanufood.dk) indleder samarbejde med Nordfra.com.

Det er sin sag at sende "etniske" fødevarer (som det hedder i EU sprog) ind i EU. Der er mange udfordringer og det koster tid og ressourcer. Det har været en kamp som jeg igennem mange år løbende og adstadigt har holdt på at blive ved med.

Men det har nu fået en fantastisk drejning. Det er en god nyhed.

Nogle af de ting vi mangler endnu er:

  • Pris sætning for råvarer fra fiskerne/fangerne.
  • Automatisering af skemaet, der skal udfyldes, hvis der er mere end 5 kg.
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